News does Matty

By Joel Thurtell

At least when people say the Detroit dailies have ignored the story of Manuel “Matty” Moroun, the Detroit News can claim it’s taken a step towards thorough reporting on a major Michigan figure with today’s News profile of Matty.

 Lots of interesting facts.

Anecdotes galore.

Fascinating account of how Matty built a trucking empire, using the Ambassador Bridge as a linchpin to cut his own costs and charge other truckers to cross between Canada and the U.S.

Writer Charlie LeDuff revealed that Matty badly needs to own Detroit’s Riverside Park so he can enlarge his span.

But the story went lightly, lightly on the current legal stand-off between Matty and  the city. Detroit attorneys are now suing to evict Matty from Riverside Park.

No mention of the public boat launch at the park, now padlocked by Matty.

No mention either of the bomb under the bridge.

I’m referring to 300,000 gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel Matty stores directly under the bridge to stock his Ammex duty-free store and gas station.

Kind of an odd way to ensure security, given his security guards, aka shotgun-totin’ goons, kick people – including yours truly — out of the public park.

Wish there’d been some mention of Matty’s refusal to let state inspectors look at the bridge, or to allow state troopers to inspect trucks on the bridge.

 My favorite Matty article is still the November 15, 2004 Forbes piece by Stephane Fitch and Joann Muller, “The Troll Under the Bridge.”

Am I picking nits?

Let’s hope this is the beginning of an aggressive run at reporting on a complex man whose empire is so critical to Detroit and Windsor.

Maybe the News will prod its sister daily, the Detroit Free Press, to weigh in with an even more thorough, even deeper, look at what makes Matty tick.

Drop me a line at joelthurtell(at)  

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3 Responses to News does Matty

  1. Peter Rhoades says:

    The Ambassador Bridge Corporation cannot maintain a “security zone easement” by simply fencing off 150 feet of Riverside Park. The Bridge Corp must acquire the land.

    The land is not for sale.

    If the Bridge Corp wants to acquire the land, it must have the United States government, through its GSA, file a condemnation action in U.S. District Court. The U.S. must prove that the land is needed for a public purpose. This will be impossible since the Bridge Corp is a private for profit company owned by a billionaire. The private company wants the land to expand a for profit bridge in order to make more money. This is not a public purpose.

    The security issue is bogus.

    Parks are for the people.

  2. Deb says:

    From: Deb Sumner
    Cc: ;
    Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:22 AM
    Subject: Matty Moroun’s Bridge Battle Story Falls Short

    Dear Editors,

    My Southwest Detroit community neighbors residing adjacent to Matty Moroun’s Bridge would like to be heard. I left a voice message for LeDuff yesterday morning but have not heard back from him. Give the community their opportunity to be heard. Moroun is quoted by LeDuff saying “I’ve spent years making that Bridge what it is and “they” can’t steal it from me. They” can’t extort me and take “my” traffic”.

    Clearly, Moroun is not operating with full deck, his private company is not behaving as a federal instrumentality on behalf of the best interests of the public, and Moroun’s friend, Kwame Kilpatrick, made sure that our City Law Department did not continue to appeal the misguided ruling of Judge Rashid.

    At least LeDuff got Moroun to admit that he needs and wants the community’s public Riverside Park land that we, the community, have been lobbying the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, the new Mayor and our City Council Members to preserve its’ greenspace footprint and enhance this City asset.

    The DRIC is the public’s plan, the public’s bridge and the public’s process both here and in Canada. It was determined that building a second span adjacent to the existing Ambassador Bridge was a national and international security risk and it was in the public’s utmost interest that the next border crossing NOT be adjacent to Moroun’s Bridge. LeDuff needs to tell the “public’s” side of this story.

    Sincerely from the Public’s Interest, Deb Sumner 313 841-9765

  3. concerned says:

    I am very concerned about how this very one-sided article was published to try and make Moroun look like he is being picked on by the governments. Has he made a contribution to the Detroit News recently? (Obviously not enough if they are scaling back) There are ties with Kilpatrick and other government officials on both sides of the border. Coincidence? or Campaign donation? Dont let this man build a bridge under our noses with the false pretense of wanting to do it for the greater good. STOP MOROUN

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